Tag: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Mobilizing Change for Women Within Collective Tenure Regimes
Inaugural Grantee Workshop Kicks off in Australia
By Kat Oak
During the first week of June we held our very first Research Consortium Women’s Land Rights Grantee Workshop. Held in Geelong, in the state of Victoria in Australia, a representative from each grantee group, the submission reviewers, and representatives from Resource Equity met for three days to share, learn, and challenge each other on the draft research papers that have been produced under this grant. It was a rare opportunity to dive deeply into substantive questions of what works to improve land rights for women, and what kinds of research can help us answer those questions. Although not every author […]
Announcing the Recipients of the Research Consortium’s Inaugural Research Grants
By Kat Oak
In more than a decade of working on women’s land rights, I have often been asked the question “where is the evidence?” While we have more and more insight into how secure land rights benefit women, men, and communities, the question remains “how to get there?”: we don’t know as much as we should (or would like!) about what works, or does not, to improve land rights for women. That’s one of the most important objectives of the Research Consortium by Resource Equity: to start to fill in some of the gaps in evidence so that policy-makers, programmers, donors, and […]