This version is the law as amended through 1999.
Record Category: Legal Materials
Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, 1961%3$s>
This version is the act as amended through 2005.
Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957%3$s>
This version is the act as amended through 2004.
CONTINUE READING Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957 1 min read
Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Abolition of Inams (Amendment) Act, 1986%3$s>
This act amends the The Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Abolition of Inams (Amendment) Act, 1955.
Bolivia Constitution%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Bolivia Constitution 1 min read
Andhra Pradesh Tenancy Laws (Amendment) Act, 2002%3$s>
This act amends the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1950 and the Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Tenancy Act, 1956
Andhra Pradesh Tenants and Ryots Protection (Amendment) Act, 1986%3$s>
This act amends the Andhra Pradesh Tenants and Ryots Protection Act, 1979
Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) (Amendment), 1989%3$s>
This act amends the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977
India Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Rules and Amendment to Rules%3$s>
India National Forest Policy%3$s>
This 1988 policy outlines the strategy and objectives for managing the country’s forests.