Record Country: Bangladesh
Housing Microfinance Initiatives: Synthesis and Regional Summary of Asia, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa with Selected Case Studies%3$s>
Homestead Food Production: A Strategy to Combat Malnutrition and Poverty%3$s>
Do shocks affect men’s and women’s assets differently? A review of literature and new evidence from Bangladesh and Uganda%3$s>
Bangladesh State Acquisition and Tenancy Act%3$s>
Property Rights and Resource Governance Country Profile: Bangladesh%3$s>
Women’s Property and Inheritance Rights: Improving Lives in a Changing Time%3$s>
Full citation: Steinzor, N., “Women’s Property and Inheritance Rights: Improving Lives in a Changing Time” FINAL SYNTHESIS AND CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS PAPER (USAID and WIDtech 2003).
Cultivating Women’s Rights for Access to Land%3$s>
Full citation: Hatcher, J., Meggiolaro, L. and Ferrer, C.S., “Cultivating Women’s Rights for Access to Land,” ACTIONAID AND INTERNATIONAL FOOD SECURITY NETWORK COUNTRY ANALYSIS REPORT (October 2005).