Full Citation: Lavely, W. and Ren, X., “Patrilocality and Early Marital Co-residence in Rural China, 1955–85,” 130 THE CHINA QUARTERLY 378 (1992).
Record Country: China
Married Women’s Rights to Land in China’s Traditional Farming Areas%3$s>
Full Citation: Li, Y. and Yin-Sheng, X., “Married Women’s Rights to Land in China’s Traditional Farming Areas,” 15(49) JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY CHINA 621 (2006). – This paper focuses on women’s land rights in their maiden village in traditional farming areas, and shows, based on an analysis of a case study combined with a questionnaire survey, that married women’s land rights tend to be retained in their parent’s village with the implementation of new policy and land contract laws, but that they have almost no rights in their maiden families after marriage, due to the influence of traditional marriage notions and […]
Assessing Farmland Protection Policy in China%3$s>
Full Citation: Lichtenberg, E. and Ding, C., “Assessing farmland protection policy in China,” 25(1) LAND USE POLICY 59 (2008).
The Recently Revised Marriage Law of China: The Promise and the Reality%3$s>
Full Citation: Ogletree, C. Jr. and de Silva-de Alwis, R., “The recently revised marriage law of China: The promise and the reality,” 13(2) TEXAS JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND THE LAW 251 (2004).
Full Circle? Rural Land Reforms in Globalizing China%3$s>
Full Citation: Sargeson, S., “Full circle? Rural land reforms in globalizing China,” 36(4) CRITICAL ASIAN STUDIES 637 (2004).
Governing Women’s Capabilities in China’s Urban Expansion%3$s>
Full Citation: Sargeson, S., “Governing Women’s Capabilities in China’s Urban Expansion,” 9(2) INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF POLITICS 154 (2007).
Land Expropriation and the Gender Politics of Citizenship in the Urban Frontier%3$s>
Full Citation: Sargeson, S. and Song, Y., “Land Expropriation and the Gender Politics of Citizenship in the Urban Frontier ” 64 THE CHINA JOURNAL 19 (2010).
Women’s Property, Women’s Agency in China’s ‘New Enclosure Movement’: Evidence from Zhejiang%3$s>
Full Citation: Sargeson, S., “Women’s Property, Women’s Agency in China’s ‘New Enclosure Movement’: Evidence from Zhejiang,” 39 DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 641 (2008).
Towards decentralization and privatization of China’s collective forestlands: A Study of 9 villages in 3 provinces%3$s>
Full Citation: Shen, Y., Zhnag, X., Xu, X., Zhu, Z., and Jiang, C., “Towards decentralization and privatization of China’s collective forestlands: A Study of 9 villages in 3 provinces,” 11(4) INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW 28 (2009).
Mosaic of reform: Forest Policy in Post-1978 China%3$s>
Full Citation: Wang, S., van Kooten, G. C., and Wilson, B., “Mosiac of reform: forest policy in post-1978 China,” 6(1) FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS 71 (2004).