The World Bank Group Forest Carbon Partnership Facility commissioned Resource Equity to undertake these studies for the project, Understanding and Strengthening Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+. These previously unpublished studies were used to inform the project’s final synthesis report. Included Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Republic of Congo, Vietnam. Authors: Bledsoe, D.; Giovarelli, R.; Lastrarria-Cornhill, S.; Rugadya, M.; Scalise, E.
Record Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Possibilities for Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+ Programming%3$s>
Decree setting the terms and conditions for the allocation of forest concessions to local communities (No. 14/018)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Décret n° 14/018 du 02 août 2014 fixant les modalités d’attribution des concessions forestières aux communautés locales.
Women’s Legal Empowerment: Lessons Learned from Community-based Activities%3$s>
Protection and Reparation Under Congolese Law for Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Situational Analysis and Prospects for Reform%3$s>
Protection of the right to land, territory and natural resources in regional and international law in Africa: A Toolkit for NGOs in the Democratic Republic of Congo%3$s>
Full citation: Forest Peoples Programme, "Protection of the right to land, territory and natural resources in regional and international law in Africa: A Toolkit for NGOs in the Democratic Republic of Congo," (2013).
Congo (Democratic Republic of) Family Code%3$s>
The Family Code is divided into five books: Nationality, The Person, The Family, Inheritance and Estates, Amendments and Repealed Provisions.
It’s not all about the land’: Land disputes and conflict in the eastern Congo%3$s>
Land Rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a new model of rights for forest-dependent communities%3$s>
Conflict in Congo%3$s>
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