The World Bank Group Forest Carbon Partnership Facility commissioned Resource Equity to undertake these studies for the project, Understanding and Strengthening Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+. These previously unpublished studies were used to inform the project’s final synthesis report. Included Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Republic of Congo, Vietnam. Authors: Bledsoe, D.; Giovarelli, R.; Lastrarria-Cornhill, S.; Rugadya, M.; Scalise, E.
Record Country: Nepal
Possibilities for Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+ Programming%3$s>
National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Forests Act (No. 2076)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
National Women’s Commission Act (No. 2074)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Nepal National Civil (Code) Act%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Nepal Constitution%3$s>
On Equal Ground: Promising Practices for Realizing Women’s Rights in Collectively Held Lands%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Detailing case studies from five communities around the world showing promising approaches to securing equal tenure rights for women and the conditions that enabled these communities to do so.
Strategies to Get Gender onto the Agenda of the “Land Grab” Debate%3$s>
Full citation: Daley, E., "Strategies to Get Gender onto the Agenda of the 'Land Grab' Debate," ILC POLICY BRIEF (March 2011).
Greater empowerment and security of women through the Joint Land Ownership Certificate%3$s>
Full citation: International Land Coalition. (2014). “Greater empowerment and security of women through the Joint Land Ownership Certificate.” – This paper looks at work in Nepal to push for joint ownership and increased ownership for women of land. Pre-titling activities included workshops, demonstrations, art work, meetings, and street drama. The Government of Nepal then introduced the Joint Land Certificate (JLC), issued to both husband and wife, through the Budget Policy of 2011/12. It finds that good practice calls for reducing cost and increase access generally. Fee waivers, special rates or subsidies in formalization programs for certain groups might be needed […]
Collective tenure rights: Realizing the potential for REDD+ and sustainable development%3$s>
Information brief