Record Country: Tanzania
Inheritance, poverty and HIV/AIDS: Experiences of widows and orphaned youth heading households in Tanzania and Uganda%3$s>
Conservation, Green/Blue Grabbing and Accumulation by Dispossession in Tanzania%3$s>
Childbirth experiences of women with obstetric fistula in Tanzania and Uganda and their implications for fistual program development%3$s>
Are Land Deals Driving Water Grabs?%3$s>
Women, Donors and Land Administration: The Tanzania Case%3$s>
Full citation: Pedersen, R. H. and Haule, S., “Women, Donors and Land Administration: The Tanzania Case,” 19 DIIS WORKING PAPER (2013).
Biofuels Investment and Community Land Tenure in Tanzania: The Case of Bioshape, Kilwa District%3$s>
Full citation: Sulle, E. and Nelson, F., “Biofuels Investment and Community Land Tenure in Tanzania: The Case of Bioshape, Kilwa District,” 73 FUTURE AGRICULTURES WORKING PAPER (2013).
The Gender and Equity Implications of Land-Related Investments on Land Access and Labour and Income-Generating Opportunities: A Case Study of Selected Agricultural Investments in Northern Tanzania%3$s>
Full citation: Daley, E., and Park, C. M. Y., “The Gender and Equity Implications of Land-Related Investments on Land Access and Labour and Income-Generating Opportunities: A Case Study of Selected Agricultural Investments in Northern Tanzania,” FAO REPORT (2013).
Position Paper on Gender Mainstreaming of the Constitution Review Process of Tanzania%3$s>
Full citation: TAWLA, “Position Paper on Gender Mainstreaming of the Constitution Review Process of Tanzania,” TAWLA PAPER (2013).