Record Item Language: English

State of Land Rights and Land Governance in Eight Asian Countries

"Taking off from previous initiatives of the Land Watch Asia Campaign, this book discusses key issues in access to land and tenurial security for small farmers, rural women, indigenous peoples and other rural sectors in eight Asian countries. It also analyses the mechanisms needed for responsible land governance and the resolution of growing land conflicts."

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Intimate Partner Violence and Land Toolkit

This toolkit from USAID "addresses activities and projects that USAID staff may design to strengthen and secure land tenure, property rights and land governance in rural, peri-urban and urban areas. The Toolkit is one of several gender-based violence (GBV) Toolkits that USAID has developed to address concerns related to GBV in other sectors including, but not limited to, Economic Growth, Energy and Infrastructure, Monitoring and Evaluation and the Rule of Law."

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Mutual Effects of Land Distribution and Economic Development: Evidence from Asia, Africa, and Latin America

"The general objective of this paper is to explore the nexus between land distribution and economic development. The specific objectives are to: (i) identify which land distribution programs/activities contribute to economic development; (ii) investigate the role of stakeholders in land distribution programs that affect the growth of productivity; and (iii) assess the deficiencies of current land distribution policies in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to explore how economic development theories contribute to decreasing income inequality. "

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