Full citation: Wakesho, E. (2020). Group Ranches and the Community Land Act: Will We Correct Mistakes of the Past or Repeat Them? Namati.
Record Item Language: English
Group Ranches and the Community Land Act: Will We Correct Mistakes of the Past or Repeat Them?%3$s>
Group Ranches and the Community Land Act: Will We Correct Mistakes of the Past or Repeat Them?%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Agreement to Create the Women’s Cabinet (Government Agreement No. 264-2012)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Acuérdese Crear El Gabinete de la Mujer (Acuerdo Gubernativo No. 264-2012)
Constitution of the Republic of Congo (rev. 2015) [English]%3$s>
By Kat Oak
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.