This is the Table of Contents for the Civil Code of Ethiopia. The Civil Code has five books total and all five books are included here.
Record Item Year: 1960
Civil Marriage Act, Cap. 97 (1960)%3$s>
Page 159 of Consolidated laws of Sierra Leone. An Act that governs Civil marriages and Divorce
Muslim Marriage Act, Cap. 96 (1960)%3$s>
Page 150 of Consolidated laws of Sierra Leone. An Act that governs Muslim Marriages in Sierra Leone and facilitate proof of such marriage
Christian Marriage Act, Cap. 95 (1960)%3$s>
Page 134 of Consolidated laws of Sierra Leone. An Act that governs Christian Marriages in Sierra Leone and facilitate proof of such marriage.
Hindu Marriage Validation of Proceedings Act, 1960%3$s>
Nationality Law%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Nationality Law 1 min read
Land Tenure Ordinance No. 60-146 of 1960, as amended%3$s>
Deeds Registries Act%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Deeds Registries Act 1 min read
Deeds Registry Act of Botswana%3$s>
Land Acquisition Act 1960%3$s>
Act 486. Incorporating amendments up to January 2006.
CONTINUE READING Land Acquisition Act 1960 1 min read