Record Topic: Climate Change

Possibilities for Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+ Programming

The World Bank Group Forest Carbon Partnership Facility commissioned Resource Equity to undertake these studies for the project, Understanding and Strengthening Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+. These previously unpublished studies were used to inform the project’s final synthesis report. Included Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Republic of Congo, Vietnam. Authors: Bledsoe, D.; Giovarelli, R.; Lastrarria-Cornhill, S.; Rugadya, M.; Scalise, E.    

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Framework law to regulate reduction of vulnerability, mandatory adaptation to the effects of climate change, and the mitigation of greenhouse gas effects (Decree No. 7-2013)

Ley Marco para Regular la Reducción de la Vulnerabilidad, la Adaptación Obligatoria ante los Efectos del Cambio Climático y la Mitigación de Gases de Efecto Invernadero, Decreto Legislativo 7-2013 (2013)

CONTINUE READING Framework law to regulate reduction of vulnerability, mandatory adaptation to the effects of climate change, and the mitigation of greenhouse gas effects (Decree No. 7-2013) 1 min read

Law for the Promotion of the Establishment, Recovery, Restoration, Management, Production and Protection of Forests in Guatemala (PROBOSQUE, Decree No. 2-2015)

Decreto Nº 2-2015: Ley de fomento al establecimiento, recuperación, restauración, manejo, producción y protección de bosques en Guatemala – PROBOSQUE.

CONTINUE READING Law for the Promotion of the Establishment, Recovery, Restoration, Management, Production and Protection of Forests in Guatemala (PROBOSQUE, Decree No. 2-2015) 1 min read
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