The World Bank Group Forest Carbon Partnership Facility commissioned Resource Equity to undertake these studies for the project, Understanding and Strengthening Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+. These previously unpublished studies were used to inform the project’s final synthesis report. Included Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Republic of Congo, Vietnam. Authors: Bledsoe, D.; Giovarelli, R.; Lastrarria-Cornhill, S.; Rugadya, M.; Scalise, E.
Record Topic: Communal Land
Possibilities for Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+ Programming%3$s>
Test Starting with Women Toolkit%3$s>
By Kat Oak
This toolkit contains 15 individual tools and one guide.
Women and Community Land Rights: Investing in Local Champions%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Full citation: Daley, E., Grabham, J., Narangerel, Y., and Ndakaru, J. (2021). Women and Community Land Rights: Investing in Local Champions, UK: Mokoro Ltd, with HakiMadini (Tanzania) and PCC (Mongolia).
Road to Securing Community Lands in Kenya%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Reality or a Pipe Dream?: Securing Women Rights in Community Land Registration in Kenya%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Full citation: Nyanchama, A., & Wakesho, E. (2022). Reality or a Pipe Dream?: Securing Women Rights in Community Land Registration in Kenya. Jahazi, 10(3), 8-20.
Group Ranches and the Community Land Act: Will We Correct Mistakes of the Past or Repeat Them?%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Full citation: Wakesho, E. (2020). Group Ranches and the Community Land Act: Will We Correct Mistakes of the Past or Repeat Them? Namati.
Communal Property Regime Law of the Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Communities of the Automomous Regions of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua and the Bocay, Coco, Indio, and Maíz Rivers (Law No. 445)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Ley No. 445 de Régimen de propiedad comunal de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades étnicas de las regiones autónomas de la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua y de los ríos Bocay, Coco, Indio y Maiz
Forest tenure pathways to gender equality: A practitioner’s guide%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Abstract/Description “This practitioner’s guide explains how to promote gender-responsive forest tenure reform in community-based forest regimes. It is aimed at those taking up this challenge in developing countries. There is no one single approach to reforming forest tenure practices for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment. Rather, it involves taking advantage of opportunities that emerge in various institutional arenas such as policy and law-making and implementation, government administration, customary or community-based tenure governance, or forest restoration at the landscape scale. This sourcebook provides multiple forms of guidance from: conceptual ideas, operational direction, good practices, case-study insights, research findings and resources […]