Record Country: Republic of Congo

Possibilities for Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+ Programming

The World Bank Group Forest Carbon Partnership Facility commissioned Resource Equity to undertake these studies for the project, Understanding and Strengthening Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+. These previously unpublished studies were used to inform the project’s final synthesis report. Included Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Republic of Congo, Vietnam. Authors: Bledsoe, D.; Giovarelli, R.; Lastrarria-Cornhill, S.; Rugadya, M.; Scalise, E.    

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Decree Setting the Special Measures to Facilitate the Access of Indigenous Populations to Social and Health Services and to Protect their Pharmacopoeia (Decree No. 2019-202)

Décret n° 2019-202 du 12 juillet 2019 fixant les mesures spéciales visant à faciliter l’accès des populations autochtones aux services sociaux et de santé et à protéger leur pharmacopée

CONTINUE READING Decree Setting the Special Measures to Facilitate the Access of Indigenous Populations to Social and Health Services and to Protect their Pharmacopoeia (Decree No. 2019-202) 1 min read

Decree setting the procedures for consultation and participation of indigenous populations in socio-economic development projects and programs (Decree No. 2019-201)

Décret No. 2019-201, fixant les procédures de consultation et de participation des populations autochtones aux projets et programmes de développement socio-économique.

CONTINUE READING Decree setting the procedures for consultation and participation of indigenous populations in socio-economic development projects and programs (Decree No. 2019-201) 1 min read
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