Full citation: Ikdahl, I et al., “Human Rights, Formalisation and Women’s Land Rights in Southern and Eastern Africa”, 57 STUDIES IN WOMEN’S LAW, (University of Oslo, Norway 2005).
Record Country: Kenya
Innovating Justice for Widows in Kenya%3$s>
Policy Discourses on Women’s Land Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Implications of the Re-turn to the Customary%3$s>
Full citation: Whitehead, A. and Tsikata, D., “Policy Discourses on Women’s Land Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Implications of the Re-turn to the Customary ,” 3(1-2) JOURNAL OF AGRARIAN CHANGE (2003).
The National Land Policy for Kenya: Critical Gender Issues and Policy Statements%3$s>
Full citation: Kenya Land Alliance, “The National Land Policy in Kenya: Critical Gender Issues and Policy Statements,” 1 KLA ISSUES PAPER (August 2004).
Gender Aspects of Land Reform: Constitutional Principles%3$s>
Full citation: Kenya Land Alliance, “Gender Aspects of Land Reform: Constitutional Principles,” KLA BOOKLET (November 2002).
Learning about Sustainability and Gender through Farmer Field Schools in the Taita Hills, Kenya%3$s>
Full citation: Najjar, D., Spaling, H. and Sinclair, A.J., “Learning about Sustainability and Gender through Farmer Field Schools in the Taita Hills, Kenya,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (July 2012).
On the Edge of the Law: Women’s Property Rights and Dispute Resolution in Kisii, Kenya%3$s>
Full citation: Henrysson, E. and Joireman, S. (2009). “On the Edge of the Law: Women’s Property Rights and Dispute Resolution in Kisii, Kenya.” Law Society Review 43(1), 39-60. – This study used interviews and focus groups to explore property disputes and perceptions of formal and customary systems of dispute resolution. The initial interviews were structured and conducted with various groups and individuals. In Kenya, government efforts at establishing clearly defined property rights and adjudication mechanisms have run up against alternative processes for the adjudication of disputes. This research demonstrates that customary processes may also carry a monetary cost that puts […]